How Do Staffing Agency Businesses Make Money?

Staffing agencies play a vital role in the job market, connecting employers with potential employees. But how do these businesses actually make money? Let’s dive into the world of staffing agencies to understand their revenue models, services, and strategies that help them thrive in a competitive market.

Understanding the Basics of Staffing Agencies

Staffing agencies serve as intermediaries between employers looking to hire and job seekers. They simplify the hiring process by screening, interviewing, and shortlisting candidates, ensuring that employers find the right fit for their open positions. This not only saves time for businesses but also provides job seekers with a streamlined path to employment.

These agencies typically specialize in various sectors, from healthcare to IT, enabling them to cater to specific industry needs. By focusing on particular fields, they build expertise and strong networks, enhancing their ability to match candidates with suitable employers efficiently.

Temporary Staffing Services

One of the primary ways staffing agencies make money is through temporary staffing services. Companies often require temporary workers to manage workload peaks, special projects, or employee absences. Staffing agencies supply these temporary workers and charge the hiring company a fee.

The fee structure usually includes the worker’s hourly wage plus a markup percentage for the agency. For example, if a worker’s wage is $20 per hour, the agency might charge the company $30 per hour, keeping the $10 difference as their profit. This model ensures a steady revenue stream for the agency while meeting the fluctuating needs of businesses.

Permanent Placement Services

Permanent placement services are another significant revenue source for staffing agencies. When companies need to fill long-term or permanent positions, they often seek the expertise of staffing agencies to find the best candidates. The agency handles the recruitment process and earns a commission once the candidate is successfully placed.

This commission is typically a percentage of the new hire’s annual salary, ranging from 15% to 30%. For instance, if a candidate is hired with an annual salary of $50,000, the agency might earn a fee of $7,500 to $15,000. This one-time payment can be substantial, especially for higher-level positions with larger salaries.

Contract Staffing and Project-Based Hiring

Contract staffing and project-based hiring are popular in industries that require specialized skills for specific periods. Staffing agencies provide professionals on a contract basis, where the agency employs the worker but works for the client company. This arrangement benefits both parties: the company gets the expertise it needs without long-term commitments, and the agency earns regular income through the contract duration.

Agencies charge an hourly or project-based fee for these services, which includes the contractor’s wage and a markup. This model is particularly prevalent in IT, engineering, and other technical fields where projects often have fixed timelines and specific skill requirements.

Outsourcing and Managed Services

In addition to staffing services, many agencies offer outsourcing and managed services. This involves taking over certain functions or projects on behalf of a client. For example, a staffing agency might manage an entire IT department or handle all HR functions for a company. By doing so, the agency provides comprehensive solutions, allowing the client to focus on core business activities.

Revenue from outsourcing and managed services comes from service fees, which can be structured as flat rates, hourly charges, or based on specific deliverables. This model often leads to long-term contracts, ensuring a steady income for the agency while helping clients optimize their operations.

To learn more on how to plan your own Staffing Agency Business, click here!


Staffing agencies make money through a variety of services, from temporary and permanent placements to contract staffing and outsourcing. By understanding the needs of both employers and job seekers, they create valuable connections that benefit all parties involved. With their expertise and versatile business models, staffing agencies continue to be indispensable players in the job market, driving their financial success.